Channel: Kommentarer till Varför näringslära är så förvirrande
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Av: dez

Som sagt studien handlade inte om att hitta en metod för bestående viktminskning utan var endast ett exempel på träningens effekt på fettförlust. Men men.

Nu vet jag inte vilka studier gällande träningens effekt på viktminskning SBU hade med i sin genomgång och vad för kriterier de hade för att studierna skulle få vara med.

Dock så visade ju forskargruppen som gjorde review-artikeln jag haft med i tidigare inlägg att träning är effektivt för viktminskning och här är lite vad de hade att säga och kom fram till.

“The commonly held view that exercise alone is not a useful strategy for obesity reduction is drawn from studies with limitations that confound interpretation. Recent evidence counters the dogma that daily exercise produces only modest weight loss and suggests that exercise without diet restriction is an effective strategy for reducing obesity and related co-morbidities.”

“…in the vast majority of studies, individual energy intake and expenditure was neither rigorously controlled nor accurately measured.”

“Moreover, with few exceptions, the negative energy balance induced by exercise was modest to the degree that one would not expect substantial weight loss.”

“Indeed, no compelling evidence exists to support the observation that exercise alone is not useful for reducing total or abdominal obesity. In addition, evidence published after the consensus statements suggest that exercise without [dietary] caloric restriction is an effective method for reducing obesity and its comorbidities.”

Ross R, et al. Exercise alone is an effective strategy for reducing obesity and related comorbidities. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Oct, 2000; 28 (4): 165-170

Sen finns ju National Weight Control Registry, dock inte en RCT men ändå värdefull för att visa på att fysisk aktivitet är värdefullt för att ha bistått viktnedgång och motverkar viktuppgång.

"To more effectively implement physical activity interventions to prevent weight regain, it is important to establish the optimal dose of physical activity that is most effective. The minimal level of physical activity that will improve health is 150 min/wk (10,15). However, it is unclear whether this level of physical activity will also be effective for preventing weight regain. There is an increasing body of literature suggesting that levels of physical activity greater than the minimal public health recommendation is required for preventing weight regain in overweight and obese adults (6–9). For example, data collected on individuals in the National Weight Control Registry that have maintained a weight loss of ∼30 kg for ∼6 y report participating in 2500–3500 kcal/wk of leisure-time physical activity (6). This would be the equivalent of engaging in ∼3.5–5.0 miles of brisk walking every day of the week.

The findings from the National Weight Control Registry are supported by Schoeller et al. (7) and Jakicic et al. (9). Schoeller et al. (7) followed women for a period of 1 y after initial weight loss, a threshold of 80 min/d of moderate intensity physical activity or 35 min of vigorous intensity physical activity was related to reductions in weight gain in this sample. Jakicic et al. (9) reported that greater levels of physical activity had minimal impact on 6-mo weight loss in women that were reducing energy intake. However, the impact of exercise appeared to be more effective for prevention of weight regain. It was reported that women engaging in ∼280 min/wk of at least moderate intensity physical activity (i.e., brisk walking) throughout the 18-mo study reduced their body weight by 13 ± 8.0 kg, whereas exercising <200 min/wk or <150 min/wk resulted in weight loss of 8.5 ± 5.8 and 3.5 ± 6.5 kg, respectively."

J. Nutr. December 1, 2002 vol. 132 no. 12 3826S-3829S
The Role of Physical Activity in Prevention and Treatment of Body Weight Gain in Adults

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